zondag 25 september 2016

Why northern light and rainbow together? Amazing natural divine photo!!


How do these two beautiful natural DIVINE phenomena arise and what is GODS given purpose with it? HOW DO THESE NATURAL 'EVENTS' EFFECT YOU DIRECTLY?
Let me explain.

Last week in Iceland my friend Alfred did spread these pictures of the green NORTHERN LIGHTS and the RAINBOW together. AMAZING!!

The northern lights...how and why?

The last years we have seen more and more solar flames or storms which means that there were a kind of earthquakes/vulcano eruptions in the sun sending out 30 till max 70% higher vibrational photons also traveling in direction earth. When this energy enters the electromagnetic field around earth its energy is pushed or pressed together at the north pole.
Thats when we see mostly the magical green light and also violet. Satelites have taken photos this green light spreads all around earth.
And you know what? This green light has EXACTLY the frequency of the cells in your heart. This light simply shakes up our most for a huge part blocked cells of your heart chakra.
What happens that every time WE open up little by little in our heart by the SUN given frequency of everybodies heart.
IT IS A NATURAL KISS OF LOVE OF OUR DIVINE SUN IN OUR HEARTS. (thats a major reason more and more people become more in tune with LOVE or when you resist this change and energy because of to many blockage more pain and suffering. Better go along with the stream of the river).

The rainbow...how and why?

Like you have to learn lessons in life and grow after learned hardship follows happiness after rain comes sunshine. When rain (more heavy mostly emotional times and lessons are experienced) and sunshine (love freedom and creative expression) are happening at the same time our DIVINE nature shows us the rainbow.
And we learned we will find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The beauty is magical because the colours of the rainbow ARE EXACTLY the colours of everybodies 7 main energy centers or chakra's we all have in our body.
A chakra is a propellor which needs to rotate.
So if you follow and start training your 7 main chakra's from the low red earth frequency to higher orange yellow green (and pink in your center in your chest) indigo blue white and violet YOU WILL VIBRATE LOOSE ALL YOUR 60.000 billion of cells in your body, release all past wrong informed 'information' by growing up and society AND BECOME THE UNIQUE DIVINE HUMAN BEING 100% IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF GOD AND ALL PEOPLE.

The rainbow shows you the way to find your gold. God and his unseen spirit help us to reprogram our mind cells etc and is our source and GUIDE.

So our DIVINE nature created by GOD shows us which path we have to take....to become who you really are meant to be..

1. Accept our source obey pray and live according to our divine GOD. His unseen energy of the Holy Spirit guides you and helps you to reprogram your wrongly informed body.

2. Follow the shown path of the rainbow. Train you chakra's and energy centers given in your body like your eyes heart etc. by our creator.
He gave you eyes to see, a body to live and serve and chakra's to heal and reprogram your wrongly informed body.
Visualise the colours while meditating and make the sounds connected with the same frequency:
Red..lamm, orange..vamm, yellow...ramm, green and pink...yamm, indigo blue...hamm, white or transparant...ohmm, violet...ungg.
And when your propellor chakra's start rotating you will find the gold...one with your soul and divine spirit.

3. Most important is the chakra which is being activated by the green northern light.
Special attention to your heart...the green light to BECOME PURE DIVINE LOVE...WHICH GOD IS AND WE ARE IN ESSENCE.
The frequency of your hearts energy of true pure love is 5000 times as high and effective as any5 positive thought.

These two GOD CREATED NATURAL PHENOMENA show us his direction.
Walk the path of the rainbow train your chakra's and integrate the green northern light as much in your heart...as we should integrate the violet light in our pineal gland in our brain...which is everybodies 'door' tot higher dimensions of DIVINE LIFE.

Written trained scientificully researched as engineer and all self experienced by myself as spiritual trainer and servant of GOD.
Warm loving blessings,

John Troost
Questions: newuniversallife@gmail.com or FB.

vrijdag 9 september 2016


NEW WORLD RECORD by me!! (unofficial)
23.43 minutes holding my breath
(without breathing!)
23 minutes 43 seconds.

This morning i started to train my 7 main chakra's by visualising the colours of the rainbow and making the seven sounds of the same frequency lamm, vamm, ramm, yamm, hamm, ohm and ungg. Also the midbrain unknown chakra between the ears with the sound ingg. After all the propellors were rotating i started the intense breathing exercise as the Iceman Wim Hof.
After the first 30 breaths i held my breath for 9 minutes.
After the second 30 breaths 17.50 minutes.
After the third 30 breaths 23.43 minutes.

This unbelievable effect was reached after
3 hours of intensive training after 15 years of training for many hours a day.

The effect next to this unofficial world record (because there was no official certification control) is a lot of extra energy. A huge boost of the immune system. A more intense vibration of all 60.000 billion of cells in my body and due to that the release of blockages and energy which is not mine and pure.
And at the end an amazing peacefull loving sincere feeling connected with ALL.

This combination of practises makes it possible. Never a flu, coldness again, and such a strong resistance built up in the immune system against any diseases. But most of all letting go of 'old' informed patterns of the past.

If you like information or want to experience, let me know. topsportcoaching@gmail.com

Warm blessed loving greetings,
John Troost

dinsdag 6 september 2016

Zweden Nederland wat gaat gebeuren deel 2


Zweden Nederland wat gaat gebeuren..deel 2.
Let wel ik heb namens onze goddelijke bron de spelers met hun ziel verbonden waardoor er veel energie zal zijn.
Ook zal Vincent J 1 of 2x scoren en zal Wesley Sneijder op paal of lat schieten.
Mbt de uitslag verwacht en voel ik 1-3 (evt 0-2) maar is dat een 95% gevoel obv mijn verricht werk voor Oranje en haar supporters. (vandaar in 2e video de enige twijfel over de exacte uitslag).

Zweden Nederland wat gaat gebeuren deel 1


Zweden Nederland wat gaat gebeuren..deel 2.
Let wel ik heb namens onze goddelijke bron de spelers met hun ziel verbonden waardoor er veel energie zal zijn.
Ook zal Vincent J 1 of 2x scoren en zal Wesley Sneijder op paal of lat schieten.
Mbt de uitslag verwacht en voel ik 1-3 (evt 0-2) maar is dat een 95% gevoel obv mijn verricht werk voor Oranje en haar supporters.
Vandaar in de 2e video enige twijfel over de uitslag.